Monthly Entrepreneur Panel


Last Tuesday evening of every month we explore hot topics needed for business and wellness. May focus is business. Discussing Business Plans and how to increas your income in your business.
Send in questions for the Panel and be part of the expertise in the room.
Skill Swap - give a skill and take away new learning.

Book my Spot

Last Tuesday evening of every month we explore hot topics needed for business and wellness. May focus is business. Discussing Business Plans and how to increas your income in your business.
Send in questions for the Panel and be part of the expertise in the room.
Skill Swap - give a skill and take away new learning.

Last Tuesday evening of every month we explore hot topics needed for business and wellness. May focus is business. Discussing Business Plans and how to increas your income in your business.
Send in questions for the Panel and be part of the expertise in the room.
Skill Swap - give a skill and take away new learning.